1. Snatch Push Jerk (Pose the Land) to OHS -MTR- 5×1+3/
2. Box Dips 3-2-1-ME
METCON (19min)
A) 5min AMRAP of:
–10x each: 1) Pull-ups or MTR Ring Rows, 2) Push-ups, 3) Sit-ups, 4) BS (75/55lb)
Rest 2min
B) 4min AMRAP of:
–10x each: 1) Pull-ups or MTR Negative Pull-Ups, 2) Push-ups, 3) GHD Sit-ups 4) BS
Rest 2min
C) 5 min AMRAP of:
–5x each: 1) Pull-up to Levers, 2) Plaunche or simple Push-ups, 3) GHD Sit-ups4) BS
A) Rowing (8 min): 2min Warm Up; 10x Tabata: 20sec Work & 10sec Rest; 1min Cool Down
B) 3 Rounds (6min): 30seconds work in each (Hollow Rock, Arch Rock, Pull-up to Lever, & Plaunche Push-Up
C) 3 Rounds: 3 each: Snatch-grip: DL, high-pull, Muscle snatch, push jerk, OHS
D) 3-5 min: Roll-out, lacrosse ball smash, wrist & shoulder mobility