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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Front Squat (10-8-8-5-5-5-5)


Metcon (Time)
For time: (Cap 25:00)
150 single-unders
20 pull-ups [12 bar muscle-ups] 10 squat cleans 85/55# [115/75#] 150 single-unders
15 pull-ups [9 bar muscle-ups] 15 squat cleans 85/55# [115/75#] 150 single-unders
10 pull-ups [6 bar muscle-ups] 20 squat cleans 85/55# [115/75#] 150 single-unders

Yes! Single-unders. No double-unders today for any level!
This isn’t an easy WOD at Rx, and especially at Rx+, be smart. Challenge yourself appropriately. Always scale, modify and adapt as needed to get the best workout possible while keeping things safe. The Elements WOD if done at intensity will be challenging.


Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds for time of:
100 Single-unders
20 Ring Rows [Arms perpendicular under rings] 20 Walking lunges (1ct) [Goblet lunges 35/25#] 20 Leg Lifts [Hanging Knee Raises]
Especially on the ring rows, don’t just go through the motions. Make sure you’re at an angle that makes it challenging. You want to keep improving. Note the angle and keep reducing it over time until you can do it with arms perpendicular under rings.
adminWednesday, May 8, 2019