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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Strength / Skillwork
If you plan on doing tomorrow’s WOD, you might want to skip deadlift today and do a 1-mile run instead.
Deadlift (10-8-5-5-3-1-1)
1-Mile Run (Time)

Max Effort 1-Mile Run

Alternate to Deadlift.
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for time:
30 Ball Slams 20/16#
20 Stick Jumps 20/16″ [24/20″]
10 Box Dips [Ring Dips]

Stick jumps = set these up like we do for the jumps we do for the 5 shuttle run w/ blocks into bucket and then jumps for remaining time.
Do main WOD today.
adminWednesday, May 22, 2019