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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

WARMUP: 7min:
1000m Row
10ea Pass throughs w/ shoulder up & shoulder down
10ea Way Around the Worlds

PVC Sn Drill on Coaches Call
10-20 PS w/ 5-10sec holds at bottom and top

In 5min:
Bar Technique in 10min:
Dead+HHMC+FS+Press+PP 5ea
PC+HC+PJ+Jerk 3ea
3 Pos. Clean (Pull & Squat) + 3 Pos. Push Jerk (Land) 1ea

STRENGTH: In 15min
Front Squat 5×3/RFH

METCON: Running Clock: Score:
In 5min:
Run/Row 1000 meters
Rest 3min
In 5min
100 Pull Ups
Rest 3min
In 5min
[15 Double Unders on the min.
1x Barske Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 95/135lbs/ Scale 95/65lbs)
“Goal=7 rounds”]
Score: Run, Pull Up Time, & Total Snatch Reps.

adminWednesday, January 27, 2021