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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Good Friday 4/19/19 – No 5:30pm or 6:30pm Classes. All other classes as normal.
Saturday 4/20/19 – No Open Box or Family WOW! due to Easter Egg Hunt event from 10am-11am. All other classes as normal.

Strength / Skillwork

Overhead Squat (8-8 / 5-3-3-1 / 3-3)
BB – 50% / 65-80-90-PR% / 65-65%
Do not use back racks for OHS.


Do lighter weights of the OHS from the ground to warm-up for snatch.
IWT Snatch (5 Rounds for reps)
IWT/Snatch, 5 Rounds of:
6 Snatches
2:00 “cardio”
Rest 2:00
Do each “Cardio” exercise (in any order) 1x:
Row, Bike, Shuttle Run, R-KBS, Jump Rope

Rx+ Squat Snatches, 70/55# KB
Rx: Power Snatches, 55/35# KB

Score each round separately, and each round is recorded as reps. Total reps = lbs. of barbell + cardio reps.
1 R-KBS = 1 rep
1 Calorie on Bike or Rower = 2 Reps
10 yard Shuttle Run = 1 rep
10 Singles = 1 rep, 2 D/U = 1 rep
You may NOT drop your barbell during your set of 6. If you do, you can start the set over, consider using less weight,  or take a zero for that  round on the lift.

Elements will just do 8-8 / 5-5 for OH squat. Primarily just to work on technique.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Perform the following exercises 2x through. Each exercise will be performed for 2:00 for reps with a 1:00 rest in between. (29 minutes total)

– RKBS 35/25# [55/35#] – Bike
– Rower
– Shuttle Run 10 yds
– Jump Rope [Rx+ must do D/Us]

1 R-KBS = 1 rep
1 Calorie on Bike or Rower = 2 Reps
10 yard Shuttle Run = 1 rep
10 Singles = 1 rep, 2 D/U = 1 rep

Score = Total number of reps performed as per values above.


adminWednesday, April 17, 2019