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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Bench Press (8-8 / 3-3-3-3 / 3-3)
BB – 50% / 65-75-85-90% / 65-65%


Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time of:
4 Clean & Jerks  185/115# [225/155#] 6 C2B + 6 Ring Dips [6 Bar M/U] 40-ft. handstand walk w/ feet on wall [reg. handstand walk]
The 40ft handstand walk along wall is sideways and will be 20ft x 2. Start in the middle of the wall and move either left or right 20ft, then go back to middle and do other direction. That way everyone can keep going on this without getting in each other’s way.


Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:
20 RKBS 35/25# [5535#] 10 Ring Rows
10 Box Dips
40 ft. Bear Crawl

On Ring rows for Rx+ arms have to be perpendicular at bottom of hang.
adminWednesday, April 10, 2019