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  Specialty Classes Today

Yoga – 11:00am – 12:00pm

Strength / Skillwork

None today. Two WODs instead.


12:00 AMRAP
36 Double-Unders
24 Sit-ups to a press with KB 15/10#
12 Burpee Box Jump overs 24/20″

Rx – Can do 100 singles instead.
Rx+ – Must do D/Us and KB 25/15#

Those with back issues, don’t do sit-ups to a press. Instead do 1ct or 2ct flutter kicks.

Rest 10:00

12:00 AMRAP
6/6 One-arm dumbbell push-jerks 50/35# [70/45#] 12 Goblet Squats with the DB
12 Cals. on the Bike

Don’t drop DB!


For time:
Do the following 2x [Rx+ = 3x] 100 Singles
25 Leg Raises
25 Right-arm DB push-press 20/15#
25 Burpees
25 Left-arm DB push-press 20/15#
500m Row
