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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

In 15min:
Press + Push Press + Push Jerk -ME / RBM- @115/75
Ladder: M- 5/75 3/95 2/115 1xME
W- 5/55 3/65 2/75 1xME5min Transition

In 5min:
Burpee + Pull-Up


Ox Work, Complete at a separate time

In 10min:
Muscle Snatch -MTR- 3-3-3-3-3

In 20min:
Block Snatch High Pull from the patella with pause at the Top: -MTR- 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2

In 10min:
Hollow Rock to Arch Rock 5x{2x5ea}
Handstand 3x20sec

In 15min:
5min Warm Up
6x 30sec on & 15sec off/AR
5min Cool Down row

adminTuesday, October 20, 2020