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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Thruster Skill Work
w/ an empty Barbell
10 Frankenstein Squats
10 Alternating High Elbows in front rack
10 Front Squats (w/ MB or Box)
10 Knee-bend Drives (on command)
10 Push-press
10 Thrusters
Add 10-30# and do 10 more Thrusters
Shoulder Press (10-8-8-5-5-5-5)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds of 15s On / 45s Off
– Thrusters 95/65# [135/95#] – Pull-ups [Wt. Pull-ups 55/35#] – Burpees

Switch exercises during each rest period.
Score = total reps

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds of 15s On / 45s Off
– DB Thrusters 20/15s [30/20s] – Ring Rows w/ arms perpendicular to rings at bottom [pull-ups] – Burpees

Switch exercises during each rest period.
Score = total reps

adminTuesday, May 7, 2019