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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Specialty Classes

Yoga – 9:30 am

Strength / Skillwork

Jump Rope Work

Back Squat

Handstand Walk
10′ – 10′ – 10′ – Max – Max

Weighted Pull-ups
If you can’t do a pull-up, then do them with bands and use a thinner band each set, i.e. start w/ a band where you can do 10 good ones. Then do 8 with a skinnier band and so on.


Pick either the Strength/Skillwork or the Elements/Burn! for today.


Burn! 16

(12 Days of Christmas format)
Heart rate will spike into red.
1 Indian Sit-up
2 Ball Slam-Burpee Combo, 30/20#
3 KB Figure 8 w/ uppercut, 35/25# (2-ct)
4 Box Jumps, 24/20″
5 Toes to Bar
6 DB Scotty Bobs, 35s/20s
7 Goblet Squat (Same KB)
8 Pull-ups
9 Push-ups
10 DB Thrusters, (Same DBs)
11 Double KB Clean + Press (Same KB, 2x)
12 Calorie Bike

Rx+: as written
Rx: use hand on ISU, 20/15# SB, 20/15# KB, 20/18″ Box, Hanging Leg Raise, 20s/15s DB, Ring Rows,

adminTuesday, March 5, 2019