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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Specialty Classes

Yoga – 11:30am – 12:30pm

Strength / Skillwork (Either strength or WOD today)

Thruster Skillwork

Thrusters / Bench Press

WOD / Elements

4 Rounds of:
8 Double KB Clean + Press (Green or Yellow)
2:00 Calorie Bike/Row* (High Yellow or into Red)
Rest 2:00 (Should be back down to green)
*Alternate machines each round
Rest 4:00 after your Fourth/Final Round (Should get back down to grey/blue)
5 Rounds, For Time (1-2=Y, 3-5=R)
20 Wt.’d Step-ups
16 Push-press
12 Jackknives on a MB
8 Wt. Lateral Lunges (4+4)
4 Indian Sit-ups
Rx+: 30s/20s @ 24/20″ box, Same weights for push-press, 20# MB, Use ONE DB/KB for Lateral Lunge
Rx: 15s/10s @ 20/18″ box, Same weights for push-press, 14# MB, No Weight for Lateral Lunge, Oil Drill instead of I.S.U.
Score = Circuit Time Minus :02 for each Calorie burned on the machines and minus :01 for each pound of weight of your KBs.
(i.e.) Score = 21:17 – [(:02)(29+18+27+16) + (:01)(2*35#)] Score = 21:17 – [(:02)(90) + (:01)(70)] Score = 21:17 – [(3:00) + (1:10)] Score = 21:17 – 4:10
Score = 17:07

adminTuesday, March 19, 2019