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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Jump Rope Singles & Doubles
Ankle Rockers w/ Wrist Circles
20 Small Hops w/ Wrist Circles
20 Big Hops w/ tempo clap
50 Singles
25 + 25 Singles on 1-leg
25 “Slower” D/U
25 Fast D/U

Bench Press


Ring Muscle-Up

Practice False Grip, :03 hold x5
10 Ring Kips
Floor Drills:
10 Transition-Catches ( From chest height rings )
5 Seated Band Strict M/U
3-5 Low Ring Row to M/U
5 Strict Ring Dips, 4141 Tempo
3-5 Ring M/U attempts (Make sure the shoulders can stabilize in the dip FIRST)

Front Squat



Elements won’t do any lifting today.
BURN 26 (Time)
Chipper & 1/2 Chipper & 1/4 Chipper (45:00 CAP)
72/36/18 – KB Revolutions (Alt. every 8 reps)
64/32/16 – Mt. Climbers (1-ct)
56/28/14 – MB Russian Twist
48/24/12 – SB Bent-over Chest Throw
40/20/10 – Calorie Row
32/16/8    – 1-arm DB Overhead Squat
24/12/6    – Dips
16/ 8 / 4   – Clapping Push-ups
8 / 4 /  2   – Box Jumps
(630 total reps)
Solid Yellow WOD w/ possible spikes to Red during Row and Box Jumps.
Rx+:  35/25# KB,  20/14# MB, 20/16# SB, 40/30# DB, BW Dip, 36/30″ Box
Rx: 20/15# KB,  14/10# MB, 16/10# SB, 20/15# DB, Bench Dip, Push-ups, 30/24″ Box
adminTuesday, March 12, 2019