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Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Every Minute on the Minute (EMOTM) for 10:00

– 3 High Hang Snatches
– 3 Hang Snatches
– 3 Snatches from the floor

Rx+: 60% of 1RM snatch
Rx: 50% of 1RM snatch

If you don’t have a 1RM yet, choose a weight that is VERY light for you. It is better to go too light today than too heavy.

Your score is your total completed rounds. Partial rounds do not count. A perfect score is 10 rounds.


(No Measure)
5 Rounds:
10 Rower Pike-ups (slow and controlled!)
:30 Feet elevated ring plank hold (put feet on 12″-20″ box)
10 Alternating Bottoms up Kettlebell Presses (5 each arm)
Rest as needed between roundsMake today’s movements challenging for you. Modify as needed.
adminTuesday, October 6, 2020