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Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Back Squat (3-3-3-3-3)
10 @ BB
5 @ 50%
5 @ 60%
3 @ 65%
3 @ 75%
3 @ 80%
3 @ Heavy
3 @ 90% of today’s heavy


Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
Every 3:00 for 15:00 (5 Rounds) complete:
– 5 Bar M/U
– 10 Squat Snatches
– 5 Burpees over the barbell

Rx+: As written, 125#/85#
Rx: Jumping Bar M/U, Power Snatch with 95#/65#


Jumping Chest to Bar (Make it challenging!), Alt DB Snatch 35#/20#

Your score is the time it took to complete each round. If you fail to complete a round in 3:00, enter in 3:00 as your score for that round.

Choose a level that you know you can complete every round in under the 3:00 cap.

adminTuesday, July 2, 2019