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Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Row 500m


A. Leg Swing

B. Supine Scorpion

C. V-Roll

D. Prone Scorpion

E. Step Up to 20”Box (5/leg)

F. Grasshopper:

Inchworm Complex 4X: Inchworm + Up Dog to Downward Dog

WOD- read asterisks printed after WOD

“Tabata This!”

A. Tabata Single Unders

B. Rest 1 minute

C. Tabata KB Swing (24kg) Russian not American! Rest 1 minute

E. Tabata Box Step ups (20″)

F. Rest 1 minute

G. Tabata Knees Raises

H. Rest 1 minute

I. Tabata Wall Ball Shots (20lb to 8-9’)

*The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Set phone to this:

**Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.**

***If your numbers decrease rapidly at each successive interval, you’re pacing yourself too fast. SLOW DOWN!

Core: 3 Round, 10 reps each: Russian Twist, Windmills, Knee Raises

adminTuesday, February 9, 2021