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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Back Squat
8-8 / 5-5-5+ / 5
BB-50% / 65-75-85% / 65%


4 Rounds for time of: (Cap 20:00)

  • 300m Row
  • Bag Cleans 500# *
  • 30 RKBS 55/35#
  • 30 Goblet Lunges 55/35# (1ct)

* Choose your wt. You are cleaning 500 lbs total. Max. bag wt. = 100 lbs.
Elements = 200# / RKBS & Goblet Lunges 45/25#
Rx = As written
Rx+ = 600# / American / One arm overhead lunges. Alternate as desired.

Elements, Rx and Rx+ are guidelines. Rx+ today is going to be really difficult, especially with such heavy one arm OH Lunges and a 20 min. time cap. All WODs can be modified and adjusted as need. Make sure what you do is safe and fun while being appropriately challenging.


Do main WOD. Scale as needed.

adminTuesday, February 5, 2019