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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Specialty Classes

Yoga – 4:30pm

Strength / Skill Work

Pick either the “Strength/Skill Work” or the “Burn!”

Jump rope work


Handstand Walk
10′ – 10′ 10′ – Max – Max

Front Squat


Pick either the Strength/Skillwork or the Burn!

Burn! 6

32 Rounds of EMOTM, Alternate Movements
Round 1, 5 … 10 Double KB Clean & Jerk
Round 2, 6 … 8 Burpee Box Jump
Round 3, 7 … 20 Russian KB Swing
Round 4, 8 … 3 Full 4-way Shuttles, 12 Lengths beam to beam
(4-way shuttle: Forward/Backward/Side/Side)
Score = Record the time in which you completed each round. WODify will Total them up after entry.

Rx: 20s/15s DB, 20/18″ Box, 30/20# KB
Rx+: 35s/25s DB, 24/20″ Box, 55/35# KB

adminTuesday, February 26, 2019