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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Today’s focus is on skills and strength. If you really work on both today, you will get a great workout! Days like this are a great foundation for overall gains. Do NOT skip today if you don’t have D/Us, HSPUs or Handstand Walks down as a skill!
Jump Rope Singles & Doubles
Ankle Rockers w/ Wrist Circles
20 Small Hops w/ Wrist Circles
20 Big Hops w/ tempo clap
50 Singles
25 + 25 Singles on 1-leg
25 “Slower” D/U
25 Fast D/U
Max Double-Unders (AMRAP – Reps)
Max set of Unbroken Double-Unders
Deadlift (8-8 / 5-3-1+ / 5)
50-55% / 75-85-95% / 65%
Bench Press (8-8 / 5-3-1+ / 5)
50-55% / 75-85-95% / 65%
Handstand Push-up (HSPU) Skill Work
Leave off wherever you need to. Make sure to work range of motion strength as well as isometric holds.
3 Inchworms
1 Long Bear crawl (Trainer’s discretion)
3 Tripods to Headstands (keep most of weight on the hands, not the skull)
3 Wall Walks, S-L-O-W
3 Handstand Hold, :20 each
5 Strict HSPU (Rx, abmats, Shoulder push-ups)
2×8 Kipping HSPU (abmat as needed)
Handstand Walk (10′ – 10′ – 10′ – Max – Max – Max)


Elements will not do any lifting. Do warm-up with jump rope work.
BURN 45 (3 Rounds for reps)
Each section will have its own score.

Perform 3 rounds on the Bike of:
– 2:00 Easy pace (Stay in green)
– 1:00 Good pace (Yellow)
– :30 Hard pace (Red)
– Rest :30 (Incl. on round 3)
Each calorie on bike is one rep

REST 1:00

6:00 AMRAP of:
– 6 Jumping Pull-ups (bar 6″ above head)
– 6 Push-ups
– 6 Bench Dips
– 6 Leg Lifts
– 6 Squats
Heart rate should be yellow through-out with possible spikes to red.
Record reps performed

REST 1:00

12:00 AMRAP of:
– 20 Cal. Row
– 20 Box Jumps 24/20″ (Step-ups is Rx)
Heart rate will be Y/R through-out

You can also do the sections in reverse order, but keep section 2 in the middle.

adminTuesday, February 19, 2019