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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Warm Up

4 Sets of 10 Box Squats
4 Sets of 10 Bench Press
4 Supersets of 10 Side Dips & 10 Russian Twists
3 Sets of Bulgarian Split Squats

Wod #1

20 Keystone Deadlifts
100 Single Unders
10 Ring Rows
15 Keystone Deadlifts
75 single Unders
10 Ring Rows
10 Keystone Deadlifts
50 single Unders
10 Ring Rows
5 Keystone Deadlifts
25 single Unders
5 Ring Rows

Or Wod #2

20 Deadlift 185/155lbs
100 Double Unders
40 Pull Up
15 Deadlift 185/155lbs
75 Double Unders
30 Pull Up
10 Deadlift 185/155lbs
50 Double Unders
20 Pull Up
5 Deadlift 185/155lbs
25 Double Unders
10 Pull Up

GHD Sit-ups 4×10 in replacement of Russian twists as Rx option

adminTuesday, April 20, 2021