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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Murph WOD – Sat. 5/25
Don’t forget to Register

Strength / Skillwork

Clean (8-5-5-3-3 / 1-1-1 / 5-5)
SQUAT CLEANS (unless you have good reason not to)
BB-50-60-75-85% / 90-95-PR% / 65-65%
Warm-up / Max. lifts / Work on form


Metcon (Time)
For time: (Cap 10:00)
15 push presses
5 rope climbs
12 push presses
4 rope climbs
9 push presses
3 rope climbs
6 push presses
2 rope climbs
3 push presses
1 rope climbs

Use 1/2 body weight for push presses [3/4 body weight]

If you do not finish, score is +:01 per rep not completed. Each rope climb = 1 rep.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
30:00 AMRAP
200m Run
40 Singles Jump Rope
5 Ground to Standing
15 DB Push presses 20/15s [30/20s] 20 Leg Lifts

Each 10m = 1 rep. Each round is 100 reps.
Elements will not do the  Cleans.


adminThursday, May 16, 2019