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Thursday, February 28, 2019

The CrossFit Open Airs 19.2 Tonight!


The 2019 CrossFit Open began last Thursday, February 21, 2019, and ends in 4 weeks on Monday, March 25, 2019.
Even if you did not register, still come join us and be part of this wonderful camaraderie-building experience!
Tonight we will have our second Open Announcements at 7pm.  We will have our on head-to-head line-ups each week.  We are adding a twist by having a theme each week.  Do the Open WODs dressed according to that week’s theme and be eligible for prizes, and of course it’s just plain fun!

Week 1 – February 21 – The Trainers – Theme is Sports Team
Week 2 – February 28 – The Men – Theme is Superheroes
Week 3 – March 7 – The Ladies – Theme is Neon
Week 4 – March 14 – Masters & Teens – Theme is Disco
Week 5 – March 21 – Rookies – Theme is Cartoon/Disney

Specialty Classes

Yoga – 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Strength / Skill-work

Dips for max reps or max weight


:20 On / :40 Off, 20x (5 each) Alternating

Beam Sprints (1 point per beam)
Double-Unders 1:1, Singles 4:1
Russian KBS, 35/25#


Do main WOD today.

adminThursday, February 28, 2019