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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Upcoming Events

The CrossFit Open


The 2019 CrossFit Open starts on February 21, 2019 and ends 5 weeks later on March 25, 2019.
Register here. It costs $20.
We will have our Open Announcements each Thursday at 7pm during the 5 weeks. As in year’s past, we will have our on head-to-head line-up each week. This year we are adding a twist by having a theme each week. Do the Open WODs dressed according to that week’s theme and be eligible for prizes, and of course it’s just plain fun! Also as in year’s past, we will focus on the Open on Friday and Saturday. The Open WODs, with scaled versions as needed, will be our main WOD for all on Fridays regardless of whether or not you are actually registered for the CrossFit Open. On Saturdays, in addition to the Open WOD, we will have an alternate WOD. Then on Sundays during the Open we will be open from 2:30pm – 3:30pm only for those registered in the Open and doing the Open. We ask that people try not do or redo the WOD on Monday, but if you were travelling or something else kept you from doing it, then please avoid the 10am and 4:30pm classes.

Week 1 – February 21
Week 2 – February 28
Week 3 – March 7
Week 4 – March 14
Week 5 – March 21

Strength / Skillwork

Jump rope skillwork

8-5 / 3-3-3+ / 5
50-60% / 70-80-90% / 65%


4 Rounds through all exercises w/ intervals of :45 on / :15 off (switch exercises after each interval)
– Row for cals
– Bag Cleans 30/20# [50/30#] – Wtd. Step-ups 20″ w/ 20/15# DBs [24″ + 45/30#] – Burpees [Inverted burpees]

Rx+ is in [ ]

Inverted burpee –


Do main WOD today.

adminThursday, February 14, 2019