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Saturday, May 22, 2021


1) Back squat – Work up to a 1 rep max.

2) Shoulder press – Work up to a 1 rep max.

3) Deadlift – Work up to a 1 rep max.

Work Capacity: Complete the following in as few rounds as possible:

1) Every 3 minutes, complete:

-500m row

-Max rep strict HSPU

*Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Repeat for as many rounds as it takes to total 50 strict HSPU.

2) Every 2 minutes, complete:

-200m run

-max rep strict ring dips.

*Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Repeat for as many rounds as it takes to total 50 strict ring dips.

3) Every 60 seconds, complete:

-1x20m prowler push (Heavy)

-max rep hand release push up

*Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Repeat for as many rounds as it takes to total 50 push ups.

adminSaturday, May 22, 2021