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Saturday, May 11, 2019


Only attempt the full Miron WOD as Rxd if you’ve been doing CrossFit consistently for 6+ months and for 4+ times per week. This is heavy and a lot of volume. The back squats and deadlifts should not be more than 75% of your 1RM. Be smart. You have options today.
Miron (Time)
5 rounds for time of:
800-meter run
23 back squats, ¾ body weight
13 deadlifts, 1 ½ body weight

Mirosław “Miron” Łucki, 38, died Aug. 23, 2013, in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, from fatal wounds inflicted by an improvised explosive device. Łucki was a Warrant Officer at the time of his death, and was posthumously promoted to Sergeant Major of the Army. Łucki began his service in the Polish Army in 1997.

Łucki enjoyed cross-country running and the intensity of CrossFit workouts. When it came to fitness his motto was “100 percent or it’s not worth the hassle.”

Łucki is survived by his wife and son.

To learn more about Miron click here
Metcon (Time)
Miron Scaled Versions at Rx & [Rx+] 5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run [800m] 23 back Squats at 33% body weight [50%] 13 deadlifts at 75% body weight [100%]
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run [800m] 23 Goblet Squats 35/25# [55/35#] 13 KB Deadlifts 55/35# [70/55#]
adminSaturday, May 11, 2019