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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Bench Press
8-5 / 3-3-3+ / 5
50-60% / 70-80-90% / 65%


IKFF CKT Level 1 Test (KB)

For time perform:
100 KB Hand-Hand Swings
(Alt. Hands at stomach height)
32 KB Clean & Push-Press
60 KB Snatches
30 KB Goblet Squats

Competitor: 45/30# KB, Do not set the weight down. Rest in the hang, or catch positions. Do 30 snatches on 1 arm and then 30 on the other.
Athlete: 35/20# You may set the KB down when desired.
Fit: Lower weight


Do main WOD today

adminSaturday, February 16, 2019