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Saturday, August 21, 2021


Jerk Balance+ Behind the neck push press in jerk split stance: (3+3) x 3

On the jerk balance, have the barbell in the front rack position and feet in half split position.  The focus is on getting the front foot out WITHOUT your momentum going forward!  Keep your weight centered on your hips rather than heavy on the front leg.

Pause Dip+ Dip+ Jerk: (1+1+1) x 4. Work up in weight through the 4 sets but keep the focus on technique and positioning.

Snatch pull: 4×4 @ 90-95% of best snatch

Snatch Grip DL: 3 x4, up to 135% of snatch PR


4 sets:

10 GHD Sit-Ups, Perform weighted if you want to be a champion 😉

30 Crunches (1-1-1 straight up- left crunch- right crunch)

10 each side, Wt’d Side Dips

adminSaturday, August 21, 2021