


  • CrossFit Level II Certification
  • CrossFit Weightlifting Certification
  • BA in Chemistry/Bio, with subspecialty work in Biochemisty & Physiotherapy
  • Nearly two decades experience in: Animal Anesthesiolgy, Paleo and gourmet meal preparation, & public speaking

Training others to be empowered, strong and healthy is a passion of hers. Educating her athletes in proper form and technique of movements, as well as proper food preparation and tips, allows them to go from an entry-level, CrossFit Level 1 Athlete to a CrossFit Level 4 Athlete.

She finds teaching people how to balance food, exercise and life, empowers them to feel their best.

Athletes excel under her tutelage because she connects with each to find out what are their needs, can pinpoint any minutiae flawed lifting techniques, educating as well as motivating them to move to the next level.
