by  in Training

Monday, October 19, 2020


A) Superset in 20min:
a1. Front Squat -MTR- 5-5-5-5
a2. Strict HSPU 3-2-1-ME

5min Transition

In 7min:
Clean to Thruster (aka: Cluster) (Rx+ 135/95#, Rx 115/75#)


*For those competing, here is your Auxillary Work to be completed at another time today.  Spend quality time in mobility work before and after your WODs.

In 20min:
Snatch 2/35% 2/55% 2/65% 2/75% 1/80% 3×1/85%
In 20min:
Clean & Jerk 2/35% 2/55% 2/65% 2/75% 1/80% 3×1/85%

5min Transition

In 10min:
100 Dubble Under
50 Kettlbell Swing 24/16kg
25 Box Jump 24/20″

Gymnastics: Every other day get in 10-20 min working on

Plaunche Push-ups, Pull-Up to Levers & Skin the Cat slow

adminMonday, October 19, 2020