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Monday, November 16, 2020

Plyometric Training (10mins.)
100 Double Under
Pogo 3×10
Rocket Jumps 3×8
Split Jumps 3×8
Prancing 3x4ea
Galloping 3x12ea
Fast Skipping 3x12ea
Back Extensions 3×10
Chest down on Bench Leg lift with band 3x6ea/12ea
Lateral Leg Pull-out with band 3x6ea/12ea

Mobility: Wrist, ankle rolls, Spri Roll-out & LaCrosse Ball Smashing

Ten Way Bar Warm Up (10mins): 3×10 w/ 1min rest
(5ea) DL + RDL + BOR + HMC + FS + Press + BS + Rack PP + GM +Jerk

In 15min:
Dmitry Klokov Combo -MTR-
Low Clean Pull + Clean + Front Squat w/ 2sec pause in the hole + Push Press + Jerk w/ 2sec pause in the hole

In 25min:
Back Squat 5/60%, 5/70%, 6×3/80%
Box Jumps: 8×1
(perform 1 set of box jumps immediately following each set of BS)

Auxiliary: Skill Work (10min): OHS, Snatch
In 15min: MTR- 7x 3 Power Snatch on a 10sec Cluster w/ 1min rest

In 15min:
Bench Press 5/40%, 5/50, 10×3/60%
Med Ball Wall Shots: 12×5
(perform 1 set of med ball passes immediatelyfollowing each set of bench press)

In 15min:
BOR 5/40%, 5/50, 10×3/60%
Scoop Toss 12×3
(perform 1 set of scoop toss immediately following eachset of BOR)

Cool Down (10-15min)
BB Curls 3×12
BB Skull Crusher 3×12
Static Stretching (5-10min)

adminMonday, November 16, 2020