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Monday, May 6, 2019


Metcon (Time)
For time complete the following chipper:
400m Run
500m Row
50 Burpees
50 RKBS [Rx: 55/35# American; Scaled: 35/26/18#] 50m Walking Lunges w/ DBs [Rx: 55/35# Overhead; Scaled: 35/20/10# any hold] 50m Bear Crawl [Rx: Handstand Walk] 50 Wall Ball 14/10# [RX: 20/14#]
500m Row
50 Back/Hip Extensions [Rx: w/20/14# Med Ball] 1000m Run

Do not drop DBs. Perform in heats w/ new heat starting after the prior heat completes rowing.


Do main WOD today.
adminMonday, May 6, 2019