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Monday, May 20, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Front Squat


Partner WOD
4 Rounds for time (16:00 Cap):
100 ft Wheel Barrow
30 Alt. partner wall ball 20/14# [See below] 15 Syncro DB Snatches 30/20# [45/30#]

Alternate who is the wheel barrow at 50′ mark.
On the Wall Balls for Rx+ both partners squat each time, i.e. each partner will throw ball 15 times but squat 30 times. On Rx only the partner with the ball will squat, i.e. each partner will alternate squatting and throwing ball, which will result in each partner doing 15 wall balls per round.
If need be, scale the wheelbarrow with a bear crawl where both partners bear crawl 100ft.

Solo version – Only do if there’s no partner for you 

4 Rounds for time (16:00 cap):
200 ft Bear crawl
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
20 DB Snatches 30/20# [45/30#]


Do main WOD

adminMonday, May 20, 2019