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Monday, March 25, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Hang Power Snatch
8-8 / 3-3-3-3 / 3-3
BB – 50% / 65-75-85-90% / 65-65%

The WOD today was specifically chosen for two reasons:
1) To give plenty of time to really work on developing the technique on the Snatch.
2) It is a good short intense WOD.


5:00 AMRAP
20 KBS 55/35# [70/55#] 10 HSPUs [4″ Deficit]

Rx – As written
Rx+ – [ ]


Elements will not do the Hang Power Snatches

For time:
Buy-in 2K Row
3 Rounds of
20 Alt. DB Snatches 30/20# [45/30#] 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20″ [24″] Then:
Cash-out 3mi Bike

Buy-in and cash-out are part of your overall time.

Box jump height is the same for M or F. It changes just based on Rx or Rx+.

adminMonday, March 25, 2019