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Monday, March 18, 2018

Strength / Skillwork

Clean & Jerk

Warm-up and work up to sets of 1. Do NOT go heavier unless form and mechanics are good. You should be working on using a squat clean for this versus a power clean.


Partner WOD
With a partner of approximately equal skill do the following 10:00 AMRAP
– 10 Syncro Hanging Knee Raises [T2B] – 10/10 Alternating Box Jumps or Step-ups 24/20″ [Jump only] – 10 Syncro Single-Arm DB Snatch 30/20# [50/35#]

Elements/Solo WOD
10:00 AMRAP
– 15 Hanging Knee Raise [T2B] – 15 Box Jumps or step-ups 24/20″ [Jump only] – 15 Single-arm alternating DB Snatch 30/20# [45/30#]

adminMonday, March 18, 2018