3 sets:
KB Over under hold (one kb overhead, one kb in a suitcase carry) x 30 seconds each side.
Side Planks: 30 seconds each side.
Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 each leg.
Tempo Back Squat: 5×3. 3 seconds down, 3 second pause in the bottom.
Snatch Deadlift To one inch off the floor + Snatch + Snatch deadlift to mid knee + Snatch (lower the bar back to the ground after the deadlift and before the snatch): 4-5 working sets.
Snatch Deadlift on 2” riser: 3×3 as heavy as possible with good, fast form.
Speed Back Squats: 2×10. These are speed squats. Do them a little lighter and move through them fast and explosively.
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