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Monday, June 10, 2019


2:00 Bike or Row
30 Banded Pull-aparts

As fast as possible:

5 Burpees jumping as high as possible
10 MB Chest throws to wall
10 Tuck Jumps
1:00 Rest between


High-Hang Clean (1-1-1)
10 @ BB
3 @ 40 %
3 @ 50 %
3 @ 65%
3 @ 75%
3×1@ 85%

Rest about 1 minute between singles at 85%

High-Hang Clean can be a power or squat.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Class Wide 18:00 AMRAP

– Burpees
– Over-box Jumps
– Wallballs
– Power Cleans
– Calorie Row

Rx: 24″/20″, 20#/14# MB, 95#/65# BB

[1 Rule: you must do reps in multiples of 10. So 10, 20, 30, etc…
Not unbroken, but before switching exercises]

Score = Total # of reps done divided by the # of participants

Example: Class completes 1,200 total reps divided by 6 = score is 200

Because the score is total reps you may do as many reps as you want of any movements and as few of any of the others. Each person has their own white board and marks every 10 reps completed. You do not have to keep score of each individual movement – just total reps. Everyone could theoretically just do burpees the whole time and it would be a valid score.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Do the class-wide team workout with the movements below:

– Burpees
– Step-ups 20″/16″
– Wall-balls 10#/6#
– Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull 30#/20#
– Calorie Row

adminMonday, June 10, 2019