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Monday, October 5, 2020

4:00 Row, Bike, Jump Rope, or Run
1:00 Plate-pinch Farmer’s carry 15#s/10#s
10 InchwormsWith band above the knees:
20 Wide stance glute bridges
20 Medium stance glute bridges
20 Narrow stance glute bridges
Deadlift (1-1-1-1-1)
10 @ BB
5 @ 50%
5 @ 65%
5 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 90%
1 @ 95%
1 @ Heavy
3×1 @ 80% of today’s heavy
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds:
:50 Double Russian KBS
:50 Toes to Bar
:50 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
:50 RestRx+: 55#s/45#s KB, 45#s/35#s DBs
Rx: 35#s/25#s KB, Toes up past hips on T2B, 30#s/20#s DBs
Elements: 20#s/15#s KB, Leg lifts on floor, 20#s/10# DBsRussian swings are with 2 Kettlebells

Score is total reps.

There is a lot of grip in this workout. Make sure you choose to break up the KBS and T2B into smaller, manageable sets from the beginning. This will save your grip, and allow you to be able to keep moving at a good pace later in the workout.
adminMonday, October 5, 2020