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Monday. February 4, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Core Cash-out (Do this after 17.1)
2 Rounds of:
5-20 GHD Sit-ups
15 Indian-situps to a wall Ball 14/10#
20 Supermans
30 Russian Twist 20/14# Wall Ball
20 Hip/Back Extensions
15 V-Ups
Max set w/o coming off bar of T2B


The Open is coming on February 21st. This is a great 5 week event to challenge yourself and build camaraderie. It’s a world-wide online competition that is executed at affiliates all around the World. Be a part of this phenomenon and you will surprise yourself with what you are truly capable of doing!

Today we are doing 17.1. Check out this WOD and the various variants and scaled versions here.


Do Main WOD today, including Core Cash-out. Masters or Master scaled are great options.

adminMonday. February 4, 2019