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Monday, August 2, 2021

Week 6, Day 1 of Training

Snatch push press+ OHS + Snatch Balance (2+2+1) x3sets, (1+2+1) x 2sets

 (Perform 10 Banded Scap Pull Aparts or crossover symmetry in between sets)

2 Pos Snatch: (Above the knee + Floor) x 5 working sets (meaning.. don’t count your warm up sets as part of the 5 sets! “Warm up sets” generally end around 60-65%) Try and go a little heavier than last week. 


Back Squat: 10×3 @ 85% 

3 sets:

Single Leg Squat to box (or no box if mobility allows)x 10 each leg. Perform weighted if you want to be a champion 😉

Barbell Hip Bridges w/ resistance band around kneesx 10 with 2 second hold at top to squeeze glutes. 

Plank on Boxes with weight hanging from hipsx 60 sec.

adminMonday, August 2, 2021