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Monday, April 22, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Back Squat
8-8 / 5-3-3-1 / 3-3
BB – 50% / 65-80-90-PR% / 65-65%
Do not use back racks without safety catches for back squats.


5 rounds of the following:
Row sub 1:45/2:00 [1:30/1:45] for as long as possible
Rest 1:00
Then go run 400m in under 2:00/2:15 [1:45/2:00] Rest 1:00

(In inclement weather, do a .75 mile bike instead of 400m run)

[Rx+ times]

Talk to our trainers for scaling and setting an appropriate goal if you can’t row sub-1:45/2:00.

Score each round separately = # of seconds you rowed sub the indicated time + # of seconds you ran under the 400m time cap. Enter # of seconds as reps.

Do NOT be discouraged if you can’t run or row at these paces. Make it a goal, whether short or long-term to get there or as close as possible. Running is about as functional a movement as functional gets. We should be able to run for short, medium and long distances. We should be able to run carrying nothing or under load. Keep working. Keep improving. Keep at it! Do the best you can today, and if your score is 0, then so be it. The win is that you did it. If you keep it up with consistency, then you will get better!


Do main WOD today.

adminMonday, April 22, 2019