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January 21, 2019

Strength / Skillwork

Shoulder Press
8-8 / 5-5-5+ / 5
BB-50% / 65-75-85% / 65%
Also do, 2 sets of (10 front shoulder raises, 10 side shoulder raises and 10 seated lateral shoulder raises. Do the 10-10-10 reps for the 3 exercises without rest in between. Rest 2 minutes between sets. Skip the raises if you are newer or haven’t been lifting 3+x/week.


Do either the WOD or Speed/Power, but not both.


100 Double-Unders
75 Calorie Row
50 Calorie Bike
25 Long Shuttle Runs (1st to last beam)

Go in any order. 500 singles in lieu of D/Us is Rx as well.


6 Rounds of:
3 Hang Snatch @ 80%
3 Back Squats (same wt.)
6 Over box Jump, 24/20″
Rest 1:00


Do the WOD today.

adminJanuary 21, 2019