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January 17, 2019


Barbell Work. CF Total: Beginning at 50% 1 RM at each lift. Increase slowly up to 75%. Work on timing, technique, and form.


The CrossFit Total

1 Rep Max each of:

  • Back Squat
  • Shoulder Press
  • Deadlift


Burn! 46

39 intervals of 1 min each
Score each section separately
Heart rate will be yellow to red. Rest periods should lower heart rate by at least 10%. There’s no additional rest between sections.

– Section 1 –
Intervals 1-15 = 15:00
4x EMOM – 15 Box Jumps 24/20″
Rest 1:00
4x EMOM – 15 RKBS
Rest 1:00
4x EMOM – 10 Burpees
Rest 1:00
Score is 160 reps minus any reps not completed.

-Section 2 –
Intervals 16-30 = 15:00
1:00 Goblet Squats
1:00 Push-ups
1:00 Rest
Score is # of reps
Rx 35/25# KB & Push-up to Yoga Block
Rx+ 55/35# KB & Palm release push-up

– Section 3 –
Intervals 31-39 = 9:00
2x through of
1:00 DB Thrusters
1:00 DB Lunges (1ct)
1:00 DB Jump Squats w/ DBs
1:00 Burpees
1:00 Rest
Score is # of reps
Rx 20/15#
Rx+ 30/20#

adminJanuary 17, 2019