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Friday, November 13, 2020

Warm-Up: (10mins.)
Plyometric Training
100 Double Under
Pogo 2-3×8-10
Rocket Jumps 2×6
Split Jumps 2×6
Prancing 2x6ea
Galloping 2x10ea
Fast Skipping 2x10ea
Ankle Flip 2×12
Single-Leg Bound 2x6ea
Lateral Bound w/ Hold (On coach) 2x6ea/12ea

Mobility (10 mins): OG Plate Warm Up
2-3×10/5ea w/ 1min rest
OH Rotation + Rotation + Wood-chop + Lateral Wood-chop + HPS + Lunge w/ Twist + OH Re. Lunge + Lateral Lunge + Ninja Get Up

Skill Work: Drill OHS, Power Snatch & Snatch

Secret Service Snatch Test (SSST)
“Ten-minute Snatch Test”
AMRAP in 10min KB Snatch (24/16kg)

**The rules:
For men: snatch a 24kg kettlebell 200 times in 10 minutes (women use a 16kg).
You can set the kettlebell down as much as you need to.
You can switch hands as often as is necessary.

In 15min AMAP
10-20-30-40-50 Double Unders & Sit-ups
**May scale doing 1-3x single unders (jump high)

Auxiliary Work:

In 25min:
Power clean + Push Press 2/50% 3×2/60%
Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk 2@50%, 3×2@60%
Clean & Jerk 2/60%, 2/70%, 2/75%, 3×2/80%

Core Training (20min)
Weighted GHD 10-8-2×6
Bench Body Hold 3x1min
BB GHD Sit Up 3×10
Ring Bubaca’s 3×5-8
Skin the cat 3×5-8
GHD Oblique Dip 3x25ea

Static Stretching (5-10min)

adminFriday, November 13, 2020