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Friday, May 31, 2019


1:00 Bike or Row

20 High Knees
20 Butt Kicks
10 Over the fence
10 High kick toe touches
10 Lunges with side twist

SPEED/POWER – Endurance

Metcon (Time)

Sprint as fast as possible through:

5 Wall-balls throwing as high as possible
5 shuttle runs (25ft – beam to beam)
5 Wall-balls throwing as high as possible

Each athlete complete 4 times.

Rest as needed between attempts.

Record fastest time.

Rx: 20#/14#


Metcon (No Measure)

3 Sets:
– 10 each leg Single Leg Cross-body Dumbbell Deadlifts (Left first)
– 30 Glute Bridges with band above knees (focus on driving knees out into the band – don’t let them cave in!)
– 40 Band Tricep Push-downs
adminFriday, May 31, 2019