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Friday, May 17, 2019

Murph WOD – Sat. 5/25


Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time of:
Row 250 meters
12 squat snatches 45/30# [75/45#] 21 knee push-ups [PR push-ups]

PR = palm release

This is a light workout meant to be an all out sprint, but make sure you have good form on all movements.

Strength / Skillwork

Shoulder Press (10-8-8-5-3-3)
Push Press (5-5-3-3)
Start at 85% of your shoulder press for the first set of 5. Then go 85-90-PR based off of push-press #s.
Split Jerk (3-3-1-1)
Start at 85% of push-press max you just established and then work up from there.


adminFriday, May 17, 2019