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Friday, March 5, 2021

Warm-Up: 500m Cardio
High Kick: 2 Arm, 1 Leg
High Knee Tuck + Lunge w/ Spiderman
2 Arm, 1 Leg + Reverse Lunge w/ Opp. Heel Touch
Butterfly Stretch + Bi-lateral Lunge
15 Scap Pull Ups + 10 Pull Ups + 5 Chin Ups
Barbell Warmup with Coach, then Bar Work together

  1. Muscle Snatch w/straps 5×2-3/70% (Light)
  2. Push Press 3×3/70%
  3. Good Morining 5×5/70%
  4. Front Squat 3×3/70%
  5. Bent Over Rear Delt 5×10

In 30min ( Main WOD)
“Filthy Test”
Box jump, 24 inch box
Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Air Squats
Knees to elbows
Push press, 45 pounds
Back extensions
Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Double unders

3 Attempts at each exercise for unbroken reps. Score each exercises highest attempt.

adminFriday, March 5, 2021