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Friday, June 15, 2019


Grip Warm-up!

15#/10# Plate

– 10 Plate flips with both hands
– 10/10 Single hand plate flips
– :30/:30 Single hand plate pinch carry
– 15 Steering Wheel Squats
– 30 Overhead Plate Tricep Ext.
– 10 Hip Floss squats
– 15 Wrist curls up+down with 5#/2.5# plates


 (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner Workout! Teams of 2

6 Rounds:
1:00 Dead hang from pull-up bar
1:00 Row for Calories

Rx+: As written
Rx: Ring row hold

If the partner that is hanging comes off the bar or rings, the partner rowing must STOP until the partner hanging gets back up.

(Partner 1 starts on row, partner 2 starts on hang, then switch every minute. Each person will do each movement 6x)

Score = Total Calories completed as a team

You will be Rx+ or Rx dependant on what YOU do in the workout, not if your partner is scaled or not.

In large classes, have half the class start on the workout and half on the strength.


Paused Front Squat (3-3-3-3-3)
5 @ BB
3 @ 40%
3 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
3 @ 75%
3 @ heavy
1×3 @ 90% of today’s heavy set

Full pause at the bottom of each rep.


Metcon (No Measure)
Do the class workout today!
adminFriday, June 15, 2019