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Friday, January 22, 2021

Warm-Up: 10 min: Bike/Row 200m
High Kicks, then 2 Arm, 1 Leg
High Knee Tuck + Lunge w/ Spiderman
2 Arm, 1 Leg + Reverse Lunge w/ Opp. Heel Touch
Stretches: fold over, twisted cross, puppy
15 Scap Pull Ups
10 Scap Push Ups
Wrist mobility 90 seconds

Bar Technique in 5 min:
Dead+HHMS+OHS+SPress+SPP (1+1+1+1+1) (5 sets) MS+HPS+OHS+SPress+SPP (1+1+1+1+1) (3 sets)

Olympic Lift Training in 15min:
Narrow Grip Snatch: 2×2/50% 3×2/60% 3×2/70% of Sn. MTR of last #

MetCon: AQAP of:
800m Run/Row
30 C2B Pull Ups (Scaled: L2: Supine Ring Rows// L1: Ring Rows)
800m Run/Row
20 Deadlift @ 225/135# (Scaled: L2: 185/115# // L1: 95/65#)
800m Run/Row
10 Bar Muscle Up (Scaled: L2: 30 Jumping MU w/ 2sec Pause Up Top
Or Scaled L1: Ring Rows: 30 Jumping Pull-ups + Dips)

Core Gymnastics in 15min (3X)
10 GHD Sit-Ups
3 Frog Ups (Tempo: 4-2-2)
20sec L-Sit
20sec Reverse Grip Hang

Cool Down in 10min:
Static Stretching

adminFriday, January 22, 2021