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Friday, February 5, 2021

Warm-Up: 8 min:
A. Cardio: Run/Row/Bike 400m
b1. 10 GHD Back Extensions
b2. 10 ea Oblique KB Dip
b3. 30sec Cobra
b4. 30sec Downward Dog (After rounds, do 90 seconds of wrist mobility)

Bar Work: 6min:
4 Rounds of:
3 Rep of each Burpee Snatch-Grip Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch Push Press with barbell only or PVC pipe.

  1. In 15min:
    Muscle Snatch 3/45% 2/65% 2-3/70% 2×2-3/75% 2×2-3/80%
    Use % of Mondays Sn. MTR.
  2. In 15min:
    a1. Seated Arnold Press 5-10
    a2. Barbell Good Mornings 5
  3. In 10min:
    100 Double Unders
    50 Burpees
    100 Double Unders
  4. In 5min:
    Plaunche Work
    b1. 1 Leg Pull Away Back to Wall 4-6ea
    b2. Manule Rear Delts on Bench 6-8
    b3. Ring Plank w/ Feet Inverted w/ 1 Foot Up 15-20sec each Foot

Cash Out: 50 Knees to Elbows (Scale: Knees to Chest)

adminFriday, February 5, 2021