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Friday, August 27, 2021


1: Pause Snatch Balance+ Snatch Balance: (1+1)x5 Pause for 3 seconds at the bottom.
2: (Perform 10-15 banded scapular pull apart or crossover symmetry in between sets)
3: Power Snatch: 2×3, 2×2 ,2×1
4: Front Squat: 4×3
5: One-Legged Weighted Squats to Box


4 Sets of:
1: Weighted GHD sit ups x 15
2: Side planks x 60 sec each side
3: 1 arm dumbbell press while holding other arm overhead x 10 each arm.
4: DB Side Dips


Three Sets Of:

Hollow Holds or Tuck Holds: Accumulate 60 seconds each set.  

Reverse Hypers x 15

Tall Box Jumps x 5

adminFriday, August 27, 2021