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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Specialty Classes Yoga – 10:30am Strength / Skillwork Dumbbell Strict Press 8-8 / 5-5-5-5 50-60% / 75-85-85-85% WOD 2 rounds for time: 10 Deadlifts 255/175# [315/225#] 20 HSPUs [4.5-in./3-in. deficit] 30 Front Squats 75/55 [95/65] Leave your EGO at the door. You do NOT have to do every WOD Rx, and definitely not Rx+. This is a hard WOD. Scale


adminWednesday, April 24, 2019

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Strength / Skillwork If you don’t know how to climb the rope or aren’t very good at it, then do the skill work. Otherwise do the Rope Climb AMRAP. Rope Climb Skill work Farmer carry, 1 lap (20-35#) 2 Ground to Standing Rope climbs From a Box: Foot lock in J-hook or Spanish wrap Stand and sit, 5x Do 1-2


adminTuesday, April 23, 2019

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Monday, April 22, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Back Squat 8-8 / 5-3-3-1 / 3-3 BB – 50% / 65-80-90-PR% / 65-65% Do not use back racks without safety catches for back squats. WOD 5 rounds of the following: Row sub 1:45/2:00 [1:30/1:45] for as long as possible Rest 1:00 Then go run 400m in under 2:00/2:15 [1:45/2:00] Rest 1:00 (In inclement weather, do a


adminMonday, April 22, 2019

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Friday, April 19, 2019

Good Friday 4/19/19 – No 5:30pm or 6:30pm Classes. All other classes as normal. Saturday 4/20/19 –   Family WOD from 10am-11am. All other classes as normal. WOD Metcon (Time) 10 Rounds for time of: (Cap 25:00) DB Lunge 10 yards (Dist. between 2 poles) 10 Burpees Any hold allowed on DBs as long as hands are holding handles of DBs


adminFriday, April 19, 2019

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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Good Friday 4/19/19 – No 5:30pm or 6:30pm Classes. All other classes as normal. Saturday 4/20/19 – No Open Box or Family WOW! due to Easter Egg Hunt event from 10am-11am. All other classes as normal. Strength / Skillwork Deadlift (8-8 / 5-3-3-1 / 3-3) BB – 50% / 65-80-90-PR% / 65-65% WOD FTX KB FGB (AMRAP – Reps) FGB: KB-style: 1:00


adminThursday, April 18, 2019

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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Good Friday 4/19/19 – No 5:30pm or 6:30pm Classes. All other classes as normal. Saturday 4/20/19 – No Open Box or Family WOW! due to Easter Egg Hunt event from 10am-11am. All other classes as normal. Strength / Skillwork Overhead Squat (8-8 / 5-3-3-1 / 3-3) BB – 50% / 65-80-90-PR% / 65-65% Do not use back racks for OHS. WOD


adminWednesday, April 17, 2019

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Good Friday 4/19/19 – No 5:30pm or 6:30pm Classes. All other classes as normal. Saturday 4/20/19 – 9:00am Family WOD Strength / Skillwork Bench Press (8-8 / 5-3-3-1 / 3-3) BB – 50% / 65-80-90-PR% / 65-65% Use safety catches! Spot each other! WOD Metcon (Time) 5 Rounds for time of: 10 Cals. Row 10 Deadlifts 185/105# [245/185#] Larger classes will need


adminTuesday, April 16, 2019

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

WOD Metcon (3 Rounds for time) For time: 800m Run Rest 2:00 minutes 15 OHS Squats Rest 1:00 minute 800m Run Rest 2:00 minutes 15 OHS Squats Rest 1:00 minute 800m Run Rest 2:00 minutes 15 OHS Squats  You are recording your the times for each 800m run, i.e. just the run portions. Separately record your best set of OHS. Rx+


adminSaturday, April 13, 2019

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Monday, April 15, 2019

Good Friday 4/19/19 – No 5:30pm or 6:30pm Classes. All other classes as normal. Saturday 4/20/19 – Family WOD 9:00 am. WOD Filthy Fifty (Time) For Time: 50 Box jumps, 24″ 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood 50 steps Walking Lunge 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45# 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20# 50 Burpees


adminMonday, April 15, 2019

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Friday, April 12, 2019

Strength / Skillwork Shoulder Press (8-8 / 3-3-3-3 / 3-3) BB – 50% / 65-75-85-90% / 65-65% WOD Bradshaw (Time) 10 rounds for time of: 3 Handstand Push-ups 6 Deadlifts, 225 # 12 Pull-ups 24 Double-unders In honor of U.S. Army First Lieutenant Brian Bradshaw, 24, of Steilacoom, Washington, died in Kheyl, Afghanistan, on June 25th, 2009 To learn more about Bradshaw click here


adminFriday, April 12, 2019

Showing 181–190 of 264 results